Last weekend I was showing my artwork at a local event here in Rancho Bernardo. With the help of my friends Kim Willing and Pam Jara, and my husband Mark, we got everything all perfectly set up and ready on Friday afternoon. Early Saturday morning we got a call from the owner of the gallery. “There’s been an accident. And it’s not good.” she said. One of the other artists had apparently lost control of her car when she was parking and ran into the side of my booth, knocking the entire thing down. I was so shocked! I have heard of wind taking out a booth and causing huge losses for an artist, but never a freak accident like this. I actually thought to myself, “Well this could be a really good sales day for me.” I kind of starting laughing actually. How does this even happen?
Well, we hurriedly got ourselves ready and headed out the door to go see how much damage there was. It was extensive- not only broken artwork, but damage to my display. We spent the next couple of hours cleaning up everything and getting the tables and the display walls set back up. Needless to say, my sales were down for the show as I had such a reduced inventory. However, the good news is, I submitted a claim to her insurance company and when I woke up this morning I had an email letting me know that a check had already been sent. That certainly made for a happy ending to my story!