Mosaic Demonstration at the San Diego County Fair

A man holding up a large flower in front of a sign.

On July 3, I enjoyed demonstrating mosaics in front of the Fine Arts Building at the San Diego County Fair. This was a really interesting and fun new experience for me.  I had four hours and was given a table with a mirror above it which allowed the audience to see my hands while I was working. There were so many questions asked about the process and the materials, and one couple sat for two hours chatting with me so that they could see the entire process of mosaicing the seahorse from start to finish. When I was mosaicing the dragonfly, I had a young boy come up and stand right in front of me to watch, and then he assisted for probably forty five minutes. He was so interested and he did a wonderful job. It made him so happy to learn how to cut the glass and then set the pieces on the sticky mesh and he stayed until he had completed all the gold around the outside of the dragonfly wings.

I hope they will give me the opportunity to demonstrate again next year. I love sharing my love of mosaics with the world!

A man holding up a large flower in front of a sign.



A man holding up a large flower in front of a sign.



A man holding up a large flower in front of a sign.